Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Comical Version of My Life

Sometimes there is simply nothing to do but laugh. Like when you make a pound cake using your best, most tasty recipe and it sticks to the pan. And not just a tiny bit, nope, the whole top of the cake stuck in the pan.

This cake was not for our family. Not that I would have felt any better about its sad, pitiful appearance.

This cake was to take to church.
In a moment of sheer brilliance, the word trifle popped into my head. Not a dessert I had ever made before. I delved deep into the recesses of my mind checked the Internet for ideas and the bottom cabinet to make sure I hadn't put the trifle bowl in a garage sale.

Now, I don't normally like to take a new recipe to a gathering. You just never know. Sometimes you can sneak the dish in and pick it up again without anyone knowing that it belonged to you. But not always. It's just not a chance I'm typically willing to take. But, desperate times and all.

It was pretty good. Probably would have been better had I had the liquor that the recipe called for, but there was a big game in town (Alabama versus Arkansas--and those of us with Arkansas affinities won't even mention the score) and going to the liquor store on game day is only for the very brave or very desperate. I was neither.

You see, I was trying to get the cake made because I had a special dinner to cook Friday night. Jeff and I were going to "celebrate" our 18th anniversary (which was technically Sunday but between the morning service, the lunch after service, the choir rehearsals, and the Sunday night service there simply wasn't time to celebrate). I had gotten some snapper, a favorite of Jeff's and was going to make a nice dinner at home.

Due to some circumstances beyond his control, Jeff ended up not getting home until nearly 7:00 that evening. Due to circumstances that probably were within my control, I had decided to try a slightly different recipe for the snapper. Not a good move. The new recipe (or the wait on the beloved to return home--we'll never actually know which was to blame, ahem...) resulted in a dish that was way less than pleasing.

Our special anniversary meal? Steamed veggies, and bread. Oh, to have had the forethought to get a bottle of wine!

We laughed and enjoyed the evening at home with our daughter, who had had plans to spend Friday night away but they changed at the last minute.

Saturday, we decided, we'd do a little celebrating by watching a movie together after the girl went to bed. That would be fun--surely no way to mess that up too bad.

I fell asleep about 20 minutes into the movie. I asked Jeff about the movie this morning amid the mental curses to myself. He assured me that I hadn't missed much, sweet guy that he is.

We laughed again.

Here it is Sunday--our official anniversary. I'm home, he's at rehearsals at church. Tomorrow will begin another busy week.

And to think, we had decided that it was better for the budget if we didn't do gifts this year. We were just going to enjoy some time together.

I have learned some very important lessons because of this anniversary.

1) There is no one that I would rather have a screwed up anniversary with than Jeff.

2) There should always be an emergency bottle of wine in the house.

3) Next year, there will be gifts. I think it would be easier!


Melissa said...

Great save!!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...'s not just me that these things happen to! Hooray! (But sorry things didn't turn out as you'd hoped!) Happy belated anniversary!


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