Friday, September 02, 2011

Foto Friday: Memories of Childhood

I didn't complete the challenge this week--this picture is a favorite and it does remind me of childhood, though not my own. But it was not taken this week. Life has been, well, life and the camera and my inspiration have sat idle!

I took this picture while Gracen was playing one day. She had her babies outside and had just perched Samuel in the swing. Every once in a while she'd come by and give him a push.

I've found myself somewhat nostalgic for the earlier years of her childhood, not that I'm not enjoying her childhood now. I am. But, 12 year old childhood entails much more than 7 year old childhood. It's a different stage.

Still, through the good and the bad, the easy and the hard, I'm reminded by this picture that childhood passes all too quickly!

Foto Friday Challenge


Rebecca said...

great! Thanks for participating! This picture is kinda sad feeling, isn't it?

MomLaur said...

Great photo!


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